National Tourism Award Winner - Best Wellness Centre


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We at Atmantan wish to transform you to the optimal way of life which enables you to better what you thought was your best.

January 17, 2025

Conscious Ageing: Adding Life to Your Years

Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but conscious ageing invites us to approach ‘growing older’ with intention, mindfulness, and a commitment to well-being. It’s about choosing how you wish to grow and thriving mentally, physically, and emotionally as you age. At its heart, conscious ageing prioritises holistic wellness—discovering growth, wisdom, and purpose at every

January 3, 2025

Can you create Your Own Blue Zone? 

Unlocking Longevity Wellness: 7 Ways to Create Your Own Blue Zoneithin your reach In everyone’s quest for wellness and longevity, one concept that keeps recurring as an ideal reference or rather as a beacon of inspiration is the concept of Blue Zones. To put it more precisely, Blue Zones refer to regions of the world

August 9, 2024


What you knew and what you probably didn’t! Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical practice, has been guiding people to follow a holistic living for thousands of years now. Known as one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine (TSMs), this 5000 year old science is accepted worldwide as an incredible healing science (Ayurveda is also recognised

July 22, 2024

Mind your brain: 6 ways to keep it healthy and happy

Your brain is the most complex organ of your body consisting of a whopping 86 billion neurons that form more than 100 trillion connections. This 3 pound (1.4 Kg) powerhouse is the ultimate command center where intelligence thrives, sensory information gets processed, bodily movements are initiated, and emotions are regulated.  Despite its critical role, brain

May 9, 2024

It’s time to be Ozonated

Who says “Three’s a crowd”? Well, at least not when three atoms of oxygen come together to form Ozone (O3)… This powerhouse of alternative medicine is revolutionising the health and wellness industry with its multitude of benefits, but is often burdened with several stigmas and misconceptions.   So when Gwyneth Paltrow described her experience with Rectal

February 9, 2024

Don’t just live, choose to THRIVE: Wellness hacks to Unlock Longevity

WELLNESS is a must-have and a must-do for everyone today, especially with mental health becoming a key area of focus over these last several years for all of us. For the evolved wellness travellers, these wellness hacks have become an essential emerging trend. Some of these popular wellness experiences are listed below… 1. Rediscover and

December 9, 2023

GUT-sy TALK… Let’s just go with our Gut

Namaste Reader,  Trust this blog finds your Gut in the pink of its health! For most of us that is not always the case… The gut holds supreme importance when it comes to our health and well-being and there is a lot more to this ‘gut’ than we know.  We at Atmantan always take your

June 30, 2023

How integral is Ayurveda to modern life today and how we can we embrace  it in our daily lives?

Ancient Ayurveda philosophy does detailed customisation for individual body types and historically they have anticipated and detailed the complications of modern lifestyle illnesses that we see today. A close watch on the recommended Ayurveda routines help one to prevent many of such diseases and lead a healthy life. Knowledge on one’s constitution varying with seasons

January 16, 2023

Bye bye Bloating and Yes to Gut health!

Bloating is a very common feeling we all might have felt during our life. It makes our belly feel swollen soon after eating. Bloating is the result of excess gas production in the gut or lack of bowel movements resulting in fermentation of undigested foods. Bloating usually causes pain and discomfort and makes the stomach

September 8, 2022

Make Physiotherapy a part of your Sportsmanship!

Physiotherapists are professionals who know how to stretch muscles and are qualified to treat disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise.…. At Atmantan Wellness Centre, we believe that Physiotherapy crucially improves your quality of life. Whether you love a regular game of gully cricket, team up with friends

April 8, 2022

Boost Weight Loss as you go the extra stretch with these 5 Yogic asanas

“Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.” Movement is a human trait, and it should be exercised (pun intended) regularly, to keep muscles going, blood flow steady and organs active.  Weight loss should be pursued the right way for the necessary triangular balance of Body, Mind and Soul. Movement is a

February 7, 2022

The What & Why of Mental Health?

Mental health & wellness is a key to healthy life. When you are physically or emotionally stressed, your body releases stress hormones that can affect all your systems and organs. For example, stress related to hostility and anxiety can result in disruptions in heart and immune function. Similarly, depression and distress may diminish the body’s

November 8, 2021


DO YOU SPEND MORE than 6 hours in front of the laptop? SIT MORE than 90 minutes without getting up from the chair? EXPERIENCE intermittent aches and pains in the neck and upper back? STAND UP up at 5 P.M. and feel like your back resembles a question mark? “IF the answer for the above

Cosmetic Acupuncture – The New Youth Tonic!

“I will not let age change me…… I will change the way I age” The quest for youth is rapidly obsessing men as much as women, and business people as well as stars. There is a lot of competition and older employees start getting insecure when they see younger men & women coming up, and

November 6, 2021

10 Reasons Why You Should Totally Detox At Atmantan

The Atmantan MASTER CLEANSE is a synergistic formula of resetting the organs and systems of the body through cellular cleansing and toxin elimination. It meticulously assists your body as it rids itself of its emotional and hormonal imbalances, thereby boosting your energy and promoting longevity. 1.Atmantan has it abode in the land of Prana! Built on unique crystalline mountains that

spiritual healing methods

8 Emotional & Spiritual Healing Therapies for Mental Healing

Emotions are feelings, thoughts and responses that are a sign of a thinking mind, a living soul and a reactive body; they produce different physiological, behavioural and cognitive changes as well. Doesn’t it then become crucial for all of us to first and foremost address, balance and even enrich our emotional state, as this is

November 5, 2021

10 Reasons Why You Must Go For A Meditation Retreat In India

Meditation is losing focus & bringing it to a point again and again. It is about re-centering and bringing them back to a starting point. It is a flow of wandering, and each time coming home to where you started. Find your grounding and a healing environment in the land where many spiritual masters have

Best Insomnia Wellness (Sleep Therapy) Retreat to Beat Insomnia

No matter your age, we know your night routine. You get into bed and switch on your social media. You get on to YouTube to watch a Korean drama or scan through selfies you took in the day. You listen to some music or stalk friends on Instagram. Okay, okay we will add going through

August 17, 2021

Make Yourself Your Priority: Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

Is Daniel Craig aka James Bond only about Brawn…ripped abs…bulging muscles? Think again…it’s his mental toughness (and social health) that makes him a 007! How do we get this mental toughness? By watching the movies? Maybe not, but the one thing which you get from some movies is a better understanding of mental issues like OCD (As good as

June 28, 2021

The Philosophy Of The Ayurveda Panchakarma

“He who has health… has everything” Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health science originating in India some 5000, or more years ago. It advocates a way of life in perfect harmony with Mother Nature and has evolved down the ages to be an extremely comprehensive and effective way of diagnosing and curing diseases. Naturally, Ayurveda

June 14, 2021

De-stress With Yoga!

Self-awareness is the key to happy life! And it is all about relaxing, de-stressing and connecting with your soul. As stress has become an inevitable part of our life – from exam routines, dates, interviews, presentation to emotional stress – there is a lot to fight through. Identify your stress We all react differently to

June 10, 2021

How can Yoga Lead to a Youthful & Disease-free Life? Atmantan

“Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life”-B.K.S Iyengar In our busy, stressful daily routine, amidst the hustle of work, we often let things that matter fade into the noise. Our minds, are constantly on a move but

June 1, 2021

A guide to mental Resilience

If you’re somewhere between depression and thriving, then you are languishing… and here’s what you can do to move ahead. No, we are not going to sing the just the positivity song this time but turn your attention to small changes that can help improve the way you respond, to your internal and external world

May 10, 2021

How To Improve Your Lung Immunity – Diets And Foods To Enhance Lung Immunity

Respiratory exercises and a well-planned diet are essential to improve lung immunity, especially in this toxic environment. So let us plan our diet and lifestyle right to breathe well and live well. The following are some diet parameters which do a long way towards improving lung Immunity… 1. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS TO REDUCE LOCALIZED INFLAMMATION Lung

May 7, 2021


Understand and boost Immunity the Natural way. Human beings have the ancestral origin from a eukaryotic bacterium which then got multiplied into numerous bacterial cells and hence we could also be called a bacterial mega genome. Our body has evolved from a single cell called a zygote and each zygotic cell is unique in their

April 20, 2021

The Power Of Silence

A lot is realised when no words are exchanged. Become a better listener, find inner peace and improve self-mental health with the power of mauna (silence). Listen to the Silence until you hear your Soul – Jernej. Graj After you read this article dear Reader, take 10 minutes off. Turn your phone on silent mode,

December 29, 2020

Survival Of The Fattest

‘FAT’- The word has endured sufferings from ancient times to till date. When we hear the word FAT, we have been upskilled to think of a horizontally enlarged sluggish human. We link fat with obesity, heart diseases, other lifestyle diseases and presume that FAT IS OUR KILLER.But is fat really our killer? Or we’ve been wrong the

November 21, 2020

My Legs Are Hungover!

Imagine if I offer you to give up 30 mins of your morning time in exchange for a magic pill…the pill improves your learning capability, reduces your anxiety and stress, improves your mood and generally makes you a better version of yourself for the rest of the day! Will you take my offer? ……. Well,

September 19, 2020

Living In A Bubble

The World wars & the Holocaust made us invest in underground bunkers, the Flu and Plague pandemics made us believers in isolations, while the HIV/AIDs virus made educated us about hygienic blood transfusions… as dark as all this sounds, the COVID 19 pandemic has taught not just isolate but instead smartly live life in a

September 10, 2020

5 Reasons Why a Holistic Healing Weight Loss Program is Effective

At ATMANTAN we believe in the fact that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to permanent healthy weight loss. What works for one person may not work for others, since our bodies respond differently to food habits, genetic inheritance, lifestyle habits and other environmental factors. The solution hence lies in finding out the

September 3, 2020

5 Reasons To Change The Way You Take Holidays

The term ‘new normal’ is starting to feel really normal now… we are all re-looking and re-assessing a new way of living; This new life, however, has to have all the key essentials of happiness that include health, family, friends and timely holidays as well!  In the past, holidays were about excess, excess eating, excess

August 1, 2020

What are the Healthiest Sleep Positions Types for Better Sleep?

1. What are the different types of sleeping positions? There are 9 known positions: The Foetal Position, the Log, the Yearner, the Soldier, the free faller, the Starfish, the Stargazer, the Pillow Hugger, and the Thinker. 2. What do the different sleeping positions say about you? 3. What are the most common sleeping positions? The

July 2, 2020

8 Tips To Improve Your Sleep Quality

Some common signs of poor-quality sleep … Frequent sleep disturbances, fatigue early in the morning, the feeling of incomplete sleep, the want to sleep more after waking up in the mornings, or even daytime sleepiness are the most telling signs of poor sleep quality. Additionally, taking very long to fall asleep, constantly getting up in the

July 1, 2020

4 Natural Ways To Reduce Joint Pain And Inflammation

At a recent gathering, I heard someone make a statement that Ghee is the lubricant that goes straight to our joints… the audience seemed gullible and assumed the joints of our body are like door hinges where we apply some oil when they squeak. Everyone seemed to believe that consuming Ghee is the sole formula

June 16, 2020

Natural Ways To Calm And De-stress Yourself

A wise old man once said that he lived to 100 years since he slept on the days when he should have been awake and worrying. Stress is as old as Humanity and yes, it’s the opposite of the body’s relaxing mechanism. However, all of it is not bad. Short intermittent stress can be called

May 4, 2020

7 Quick And Easy Desk Stretches When Working From Home (Wfh) Or Office

Sitting kills: The heart attack rate is greater by 54% in people who sit for long hours and many studies have now essentially declared sitting as the new smoking. Most of us average about 9.3 hours of total sitting in a day and to break the vicious cycle should do the following to reduce the effects

January 19, 2020

Injury-free Zone

In my work, I have not had the need to frequently travel out of my home city and I must admit that I have been not understanding (in fact have been judgmental) of the travel schedules of some of my family members and friends who are practically out for 20 days in a month across

January 16, 2020

Everything You Need To Know About Panchakarma Treatment

Ayurveda, the oldest healing science translating into ‘The Science of Life’ in Sanskrit originated around 5000 years ago and is often referred to as ‘Mother of all Healing’. Ayurveda aims at building and maintaining a delicate balance among mind, body, and soul and promotes a healthy lifestyle. As per the belief of Ayurvedic practices, it

May 23, 2019

Spreading Wellness From Within You To All Around You!

Is making the wellbeing of staff a beneficial business strategy? Well, yes it is! “I, at a personal end, maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle because I have felt its positive impact on my work performance as well as in my routine itinerary. In recent years, a number of progressive organizations have adopted the approach of

April 20, 2019

What Men Over 40 Years Of Age Should Do For Wellness And Work-life Balance!

The 40s are known to be an interesting phase in everyone’s life. There is a change that happens in responsibilities & interests amongst other things. A few months ago, I was having a chat with a dear friend about how our choices in our 40s will impact our lives in the innings (the 50s, 60s,

April 6, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Understanding Lower Back Pain Low back pain is a universal experience almost everyone has it at some point. In India presently one out of every 6 individuals are having a history of low back pain. The lower back which starts below the ribcage is called as lumbar region. Pain in this region can be intense

March 11, 2019

A Healthy Spine: Your Key To Longevity

We all have heard that a healthy spine is the key to a healthy life but have you ever thought about what is the key to having a healthy spine!? Atmantan revels this secret. The spine can be defined as a bone that is made up of many chains of bones or vertebrates that extends

March 6, 2019

Wellness-cation! The go-to Type of Holiday for Millennials

Why should a vacation be synonymous with excesses? The ‘Millennials’, and the ‘Gen Z’ are reshaping travel and wellness sector today with their need for a more wholesome & holistic break. Older millennials (those born from 1981 to 1996) move into their prime spending years, their (travel) habits are changing the face of hospitality. Currently,

April 30, 2018

My Journey To Becoming An Ironman Triathlete

Making the IRONMAN a wellness lifestyle! Cycling on the old Mumbai Pune highway on my Italian beauty, Colnago, at the speed of 38KMHR, I couldn’t help but be aware of a burgeoning stillness within me. These long rides seemed to be turning into meditative experiences for me! Let me try and explain this… So once

Start Your Conscious Break-up From Work Burnout Today

Start your conscious break-up from work burnout today… be mindful at work and be transformed! Corporate or Occupational burnout results from long-term, irresolvable job stress. Burnout is characterized by a set of symptoms that includes exhaustion resulting fromwork’s excessive demandsas well as physical symptoms such as headaches and sleeplessness, “quickness to anger,” and closed thinking. The chronic state of stress that

The Birth Of An Idea

Atmantan is a dream come true… truly, not just the physical property itself but the solution to my wellness problems and trust me when I say I had a few of those. I come from a prosperous Punju joint family and we all know what that means… we love our food and our celebrations most

My Father, My Hero, My Friend

One of my earliest memories of my father giving me the talk was is when I was 9 and I had broken some school rules and had this been found out by the teachers, it would have been a major embarrassment. Looking back, I consider myself lucky that my parents found out what was happening

It’s Time You Take That Me Cation

Finally head out for that elusive time-for-me-to-get-glowing vacation, as you stand at the edge of your bachelorette days… A calendar packed with dress fittings, venue hunting and menu tasting can leave a bride-to-be totally exhausted. Add to that the pressure of looking her radiant best on D-day. Often the strain and anxiety makes the coveted

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