National Tourism Award Winner - Best Wellness Centre
“My thyroid levels have dropped from 5.3 to 3.4 jo bilkul normal range mein aa gaye thae. I tell my husband, where there is a will, there is this place – Atmantan.
Our 50-year old female guest came to Atmantan looking to reverse her Hypothyroid condition. She was determined to get off her medication and not let this condition diminish her effervescent personality… The positive outcomes she achieved by the end of the programme serve as a testament to this resilience.
Hypothyroidism is a condition when the thyroid gland is underactive, and doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones for the body (these thyroid hormones’ are responsible and control metabolism, growth, and many other crucial functions in our body).
This disorder can sometimes also stem from an auto-immune condition called Hashimoto’s disease (wherein the body tends to create antibodies that attack the cells in our thyroid).
One of the most common diseases world over, Hypothyroidism is known to affect one in every 10 Indians and one in every five Americans! While an estimated 5% still remain undiagnosed, Hypothyroidism is also seen as more common in women than men (common among people older than 60).
These are the types of Hypothyroidism:
Did you know: This condition is most common in women, in which Hashimoto’s disease is usually the most common cause of hypothyroidism. The fact is that Hashimoto can be cured… Natural treatments for Hypothyroidism can help you reverse the condition..
Some of the lesser-known symptoms includes:
At Atmantan, the first step of treating Hypothyroidism begins with eliminating the causes of thyroid dysfunction (which more commonly is autoimmune or stress induced, such as inflammation, overuse of medications, nutrient deficiencies and changes in hormones due to stress.)
Our team of Doctors make sure you are enrolled in a programme that enhances thyroid function, ensures proper adrenal functioning, restores gut health, and enhances a liver detox (which gets impaired due to poor thyroid function)!
The ultimate objective of the treatment programme is to improve the conversion of thyroid hormones to the active form of thyroid, and to reduce the autoimmune markers. The conversion of thyroid hormones to the active form of thyroid happens in the gut, liver and muscles – it is important to work towards improving your gut health, reducing gut inflammation, detoxifying the liver and improving your muscle activity for better circulation!
Our integrated wellness protocols are extremely effective in managing and even reversing Hypothyroidism such that it addresses the thyroid dysfunction at the root level and not just symptomatically. Our Doctor-guided programmes where individual deficiencies and hormonal imbalances are corrected through lifestyle correction have created many inspiring stories.
Here are some ways our integrated wellness programme helps you manage, control a clinical progression of the disease and even reverse (over time) your hypothyroidism. All our programmes are personalised for you:
We recommend you consult with our Doctors and they will best advise you on a comprehensive treatment plan going forward.
A recent entry to the elite club of 50, this family-oriented proud wife and mum of two came to Atmantan for a lifestyle overhaul. As a known case of Hypothyroidism, she was determined to not spend the next phase of her life (life post 50 years of age) popping pills and not feeling her best.
After a thorough social media scanning and going over a multitude of case studies related to Thyroid on, she connected with our Doctors (got her blood works in order) and decided to come to Atmantan to address her thyroid concerns and consequent weight gain.
Upon arrival, her Doctor consultation started with an in-depth examination of her reports confirming that she didn’t just have Hypothyroidism (thyroid dysfunction), but in fact, she was suffering from an auto-immune disorder called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This condition was causing her immune system to create antibodies that were attacking her thyroid gland!
She was asked to carry her Free Thyroid test, ATG test and Anti-TPO auto-immune test-used to diagnose auto-immune diseases linked to thyroid. (ATG and Anti-TPO were tests which she had never heard of or done before). Her TSH level was 5.3 while on medication (Normal range is from 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L) signalling an underactive thyroid. She was also suffering from central obesity.
During this consultation, she also shared other complaints citing dry skin, hot flashes, irregular digestion, change in voice and constipation, which the Doctor assured her were some of the common symptoms of Hypothyroidism. She also mentioned she often felt drowsy and dull.
The guest was put on a 14-day Weight Balance retreat to address Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism) and the consequent weight issues. The programme included a curation of naturopathic, Ayurveda, detoxifying scrubs, and therapies etc. The treatment modalities consisted of Pranayama practices of Ujjayi and Bhramari along with Yoga sessions focused on improving her thyroid functioning. Adding to these, were personal and physiotherapy sessions which were a mix of active stretching, core strengthening, fat burning and metabolism inducing activities. For an elevated impact, she was also prescribed enema, Udwarthanam, Choorna, green tea scrub, Abhyanga, Laghu Shankha Prakshalan etc. These were all accompanying her cardio and de-stressing activities in her day-to-day schedule.
Her prescribed diet was a no-grain low-carb high-fat one along with probiotics. Essential fats like Omega 3 that help in active thyroid conversion were also included in her daily menu. The diet was supplemented with healthy shots for anti-inflammation, improved digestion and easy bowel movement. She was put on Atmantan Naturals’ Thyro Care (to manage thyroid dysfunction and to activate the conversion of thyroid hormones), Anti Ox3 (which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory formulation), Fat Blazer (to improve fat metabolism), Gut 360+ (addresses inflammation, allergies and bloating) and Gluta Ox+ (supports healthy ageing, protects liver cells, & promotes insulin sensitivity).
She took to her diet like a fish takes to water and savoured it to the T. Not having her morning cup of tea that had seemed impossible to give up at one point, was now an urge that she was able to beat (and she was now determined to get her husband off this habit also.
The results at the end of this retreat were one for the books. Her thyroid levels, which were 5.3 (Normal range is from 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L) at the time of arrival, was now down to 3.4! (well within the normal range) and her medicines were also tapered.
The guest also had managed to lose 6 kgs, out of which 4 kgs were pure fat loss! This is huge for someone with Hypothyroidism. Furthermore, her gut inflammation had reduced, which led to an improvement in the thyroid hormone conversion.
Excited to unveil what she called the ‘New Me’ on her 51st birthday, this endearing guest left Atmantan as a better version of herself and made a promise to enrol herself into a wellness retreat every year.
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