National Tourism Award Winner - Best Wellness Centre
Wellness is an omnipotent word and it means many things to many people; to us Wellness simply is Atmantan.
Atmantan is one’s transformative and educational experience that is honed around the replenishment of their body, mind and soul. True wellness is more than the mere absence of disease, it is determined by the decisions and choices we make to live our lives with vitality and meaning.
Atmantan is an integrated wellness centre and is one of India’s most result-oriented one at that. Here we help you understand the relationship between sound nutrition and the functioning of the body. At this pristine destination, you coalesce your body, mind and soul and return as a renewed individual, heart whole and disease free.
We recognise the body as the formal expression of one’s physiological development, and the mind as one’s personal spiritual journey. Our wellness world spans Mindful Eating, Movement, Emotional Health, Sleep, Self Reflection, Embracing Nature’s Healing and Social Support to cosset and ensure your well-being.
Atmantan believes in using ancient healing knowledge that is scientifically researched, and creating practical lifestyle enhancement programmes for individuals looking to initiate the journey of bettering their health. Our mediation and yoga schedules engage you in the process of spiritual wellness; Our qualified experienced trainers guide you through the programs taking into account your core stability and muscular endurance; Our Doctors create diet plans and prescribe curative therapies based on your personal requirements, there-in creating a result-oriented retreat for you.
Atmantan has certified experts in Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Functional Medicine, Pranic healing, Counselling, Yoga, Acupuncture and Fitness. This team, conceives the perfect ‘Wellness Formula’ keeping your abilities and requirements in mind. The various techniques of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, oriental and western treatments, dietary inputs and other lifestyle improvement methodology and technology, are employed diligently for your holistic well-being.
Individuals who shoulder the responsibility of promoting health, of striking a balance and harmony with nature, while also creating positive and interdependent relations with others in society, are the ones who rightly inspire the progressive evolution of a healthy community. We at Atmantan strive to do this.
We want you to live well… to truly live your life at its best, and not simply exist as a shadow of the glorious being that you have the potential to be; come live wellness the Atmantan way
The beginning of the solution that you seek for yourself, the ultimate formula for living this beautiful life as a wholesome and healthy human being.
We care deeply about the weakening lifestyles of not only ourselves, but that of our family, friends and people around us… and we naturally decided to be part of the answer. We felt destined to provide any self-aware and receptive individual with a one-stop answer, an integrated way of enabling them to achieve their desired healthy lifestyle and maintaining it for all times to come.
There is a sincere requirement and therein the need for ATMANTAN, the holy grail… a destination which helps individuals put themselves first, a place that takes us away from our hectic lives and helps us re-connect with ourselves, while placing our needs, wants and desires as top priority, so that we are eventually inspired to do this for every day of our lives. A place that helps us figure out everything that is right or wrong with us, set it right and make us fall in love with ourselves… After all, ‘you’ as your top priority is not entirely as selfish as it sounds, it is in fact, is the very need of the hour!
We at Atmantan wish to transform you to the optimal way of life which enables you to better what you thought was your best.
They say life is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration…
If you are inspired, then let Atmantan be your perspiration.
Recognised as one of the frontrunners in the Indian Wellness Industry, Sharmilee, a Pranic Healer and Author is held by many as an inspiration – including us; Her vision to apply her flawless business acumen to traditional Indian sciences and holistic wellness, was a game changer for the industry. Founding Atmantan (a NABH certified wellness institute) on World Health Day – 2016 was the fruition of her teenage dream… Today this non-judgemental, authentic wellness getaway is a multi-award winning centre of excellence, synonymous with result-oriented treatment protocols and disease reversal programmes!
Bringing passion, intelligence and keen consumer insight, she navigates her three worlds as a businesswoman, a mother and a karmically- conscious healer. Taking new strides in wellness, she is an awardee of the Entrepreneurship Awards. Known for her business genes, spirituality and values, her writing and articles grace many a publication.
When Nikhil co-founded the NABH-certified Atmantan, he married hospitality with multi-dimensional, integrated wellness and designed an experience that broke the norm. Atmantan redefined the recuperation experience into a transformative one – making it something to look forward to rather than suffer through. As a leader, he is passionate, persevering and brings his natural joie de vivre to be a living example of the Atmantan Way.
A five-time IRONMAN triathlete, and a certified Sports Nutritionist, Nikhil holds enviable titles like GQ’s 50 Most Influential Indians Under 40, Fit & Fabulous – 2018 by Asia Spa, and awardee of the Luxebook Top 100: Indian Luxury’s Most Influential People -2020! He rightly walks the talk when it comes to wellness and living one’s best life and, who better than an ironman to raise the bar of the country’s wellness industry.
Creative strategist & a Pranic healing practitioner
Methodical Entrepreneur & Ironman Tri-athlete
‘Atmantan’ is the holistic amalgamation of the atma {soul}, mana {mind} and tann {body}.
We at Atmantan recognize that deep and lasting change can only be made when these three components of our existence are ceremoniously and scientifically healed, in unison. Atmantan is an international, integrated wellness resort where guests are served and cared for with the warm Indian values of hospitality.
Think of ATMANTAN NATURALS as your health wingman. From the house of ATMANTAN, these potent products are designed to supplement and bridge the nutritional gap that your lifestyle creates with its hectic demands and choices. Our Doctors guide you through these highly effusive herbal formations made from quality, 100% natural ingredients. With no side-effects, these will help you reset this essential balance without having to make significant, impractical or even impossible changes to your life.
Nutritional deficiencies, excesses (toxicity) and imbalances in the bio-system all predispose us to illnesses and disease.
Atmantan Naturals has a range of special formulations with 100% natural ingredients that will help you Unlock Your Health – naturally. These products treat the actual condition, and re-set the pain pathway rather than just addressing the symptom!
Our fast-paced & modern lifestyle tends to make it difficult for us to keep up with stable and healthy food habits. Our natural ability to absorb all vital nutrients also gets adversely affected. Poor & irregular eating habits, lack of a balanced diet, consumption of calorie dense food instead of nutritionally compact food, and the increased intake of processed foods & drinks… all unfortunately manifest into diseases.
These defects in our molecular and cellular processes constitute/sound off the triggers of specific pathologies and are what we refer to as the mechanisms of disease. Research in this specific area hence is vital and a prerequisite to creating the most appropriate and effective products and treatments that cure the disease.
We identify these mechanisms of the disease, and treat the root cause of each disease. This is also the true basis of all our Nutraceutical supplements -ATMANTAN NATURALS.
Our ultimate goal is always to enable for you a synergistic transformation of the Atma (soul), Mana (mind) and Tann (body).
Before addressing an ailment with our supplements, we suggest you have a consultation with one of our Doctors. This is important as it will ensure accuracy and personalised efficacy. We would advise you to opt for a consultation, (and essential and unique service that is available to you here) – it can be done quickly and over a video chat.
We have taken many steps to ensure that we live in sync with our beautiful surroundings. An extensive area and weather-specific environmental study was carried out here. This was to research and comprehend the possibility of green buildings and nature reservation through the use of passive architectural techniques, renewal energy, amount of solar insulation available, calculation of shadow ranges/sun shading and assessment of weather profile. The findings there off have been diligently applied during the design, planning and construction stages of the resort to maintain the ecology of the land.
Atmantan is a GOLD LEED Certified Project (LEED being the green building certification programme that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices)!
LEED is the acronym for Leader in Energy & Environment Design and this certification recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices incorporated by Atmantan.