National Tourism Award Winner - Best Wellness Centre

Deciding to Quit smoking & Detoxify Has Multifield Benefits!

Fibromyalgia case study: Benefits of Detoxification


A well-read 75 year old lady guest who was a chronic smoker, and had been suffering from fibromyalgia (A disorder characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.) since the last 20 years. She had been dealing with this condition without medications and steroids! She decided to come to Atmantan primarily with the motto of quitting her smoking habit. 


On admission and consultation, the Doctor advised her to take part in the Atmantan Living Retreat for 10 nights, which would help her holistically. Despite having a clear wellness goal, she was a closed personality, that made her uncooperative initially and she was also reluctant to follow the treatment protocol. 

Being a habituated smoker, the doctors realised that she couldn’t go cold turkey and give up the habit abruptly, hence, for a day or two she was allowed to smoke in the designated area (up on the hill at Atmantan). She was simultaneously also put on hormonal balancing treatments along with active participation in yoga activities. There was also a diligent check kept on her to ensure she was trying to control her smoking habits. 

At one point during her counselling session, she even felt confident enough to hand over all her cigarettes to the Doctor in session! After all this, she reached the peak of her withdrawal symptoms and this was around day 6 of her stay. Mid retreat the treatment of acupuncture was also started to give her relief from her pain (in the base of thumb due to fibromyalgia); This successfully provided her with symptomatic relief from this pain. She had several of these treatments through her stay. Her diet was predominantly a grain-free one with an emphasis on foods high in antioxidants and phytochemicals. As for supplementation, she was prescribed Atmantan Naturals’ Natflam 6 (for inflammation), Defence Max (as an anti-viral immunity booster) and Omega 3 (for general well-being enhancement).



Towards the end of her stay, her reluctance had worn off as she had gradually but surely managed to reduce her smoke cravings to a large extent! Thanks to all the detoxification, the benefits were multifield… her sleep quality and duration had improved and there was also a conspicuous improvement in her range of motion and pain (from 6 to 2 on the visual analogue scale)! Her general outlook seemed to have changed as she felt her positive-self had returned. At departure she assured her consulting Doctor that she was determined to quit smoking for good. 


Let's get you started on your Wellness Journey with us...


Atmantan Living

This lifestyle management retreat is your auspicious beginning to wellness… you can now live the wellness way at Atmantan and make it your mantra for a lifetime.

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Spa Life

A spa retreat, where you experience the invigorating, pampering Atmantan has to offer that nourishes your mind, and body.

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Master Cleanse™

The ultimate cellular detoxification at Atmantan that enables toxin elimination, liver cleanse and enhanced therapeutic benefits.

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Weight Balance™

Discover a healthier you in this weight loss retreat, where you empower yourself to make positive lifestyle changes and get to a sustainable optimal body composition.

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Journey Through Yoga

A Yoga retreat suited for a beginner to an advanced, where you can start anew or even delve deep into the ancient, sacred science of Yoga.

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Ayurveda Panchakarma

This Ayurveda retreat is the age-old journey of discovery, cleansing and the awakening of the inner healing energies and senses.

Starts from 14 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Holistic Health

In this emotional healing retreat, embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing as one learns to take-on wellness of the soul, mind and body.

Starts from 5 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Radiance Ritual

A happy couple is a radiant couple! This bridal retreat, also known as the pre-wedding ritual, is perfect for brides and grooms as they get wedding ready, and rejuvenate in the Atmantan valley.

Starts from 5 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Fitness Challenge

This fitness retreat is for those who want to enhance their cardiovascular fitness, and improve muscle endurance, all under the guidance and assessment of our experts.

Starts from 5 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Restorative Physiotherapy

In this injury management retreat, one is enabled to return to an active lifestyle… our hands-on approach Expedites your recovery.

Starts from 5 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Super Immunity Programme

With this retreat, super-boost your immunity whether post-infection or when looking to better manage or treat any co-morbid conditions.

Starts from 7 Nights VIEW DETAILS

Natural Healing

Disease management retreat is for those looking for treatment for their chronic ailments and compromised lifestyle conditions.

Starts from 7 Nights VIEW DETAILS